Glastonbury Festival Events Ltd
GFELStewards Terms, Conditions and Contractual Obligations
Thank you for choosing to be a volunteer steward with us here at the festival. This document explains the terms, conditions and contractual obligations that apply to this volunteer role.
The onsite stewarding for Glastonbury Festival Events Ltd (henceforth referred to as “the Festival”) is provided by volunteer charity groups. Each group has a designated team leader, and team leaders recruit their own teams. Stewards usually work 24 hours over the event (agreed variations will be confirmed by your team leader), and in return the festival makes a donation to the charity group represented by the team (except for teams not representing a charity group).
It is important to recognise that our work is safety and licence critical; you will be covering a specific location or role within the event management plan, which is part of the licence agreement with the Council. It is therefore extremely important that you perform your role within the context of these terms, conditions and contractual obligations.
We celebrate diversity. We welcome volunteers to steward with the Festival regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.
If you require any reasonable adjustments, then do let us know.
1 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to uphold these diversity values where appropriate in any behaviour and communications with other staff, volunteers or the public, and to conform to the policies below by not discriminating against or harassing any other person
Glastonbury Festival's Harassment Policy
Glastonbury Festival's Anti-Slavery Policy
Glastonbury Festival’s Diversity Statement
2 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to be at least 18 years old on the day you arrive on the festival site, whether you are scheduled to work that day or not. You can, however, train to be a steward while you are still 17 years old.
3 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to have fluent written and spoken English language skills to ensure safe communications with/for the public.
4 - If you have unspent criminal conviction(s), you are required to contact us in confidence to discuss your eligibility to work.
Photo ID
5 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to upload a recent photo to their account clearly showing their face and shoulders (like a passport photo, but you can smile) for improved security and safeguarding. This photo will be printed on your steward laminate.
Access Requirements
6 - Please share any access requirements you may have with us through the Crew Access Application Form. The link can be found in My Account/Accessibility Requirements. If you require any adjustments to enable you to steward, then please discuss them with your team leader; use Contact Us to request a chat with Bev; or email the festival access manager in confidence to discuss them (the email can be found on the Accessibility Requirements page of the website).
If you are an Access Steward (working for Katie and Claire), and if you have accessibility requirements, then follow the link on your home page to specify them and request resources as required. The Access team will determine whether your application for such resources is successful, and please direct all such communications to this team.
Medical Conditions
7 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to inform us of any known medical conditions which may affect your safety, or the safety of those around you when you are carrying out your duties. For stewards who are not part of the Access Stewards team, please discuss with your team leader, or use Contact Us and request a chat with Bev before your place is confirmed.
Medical Issues on Site
8 - If you are unable to work on site during the festival due to illness or injury, please notify your team leader immediately and make your way to Big Ground Medical for support.
UK Work Visas
9 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to take personal responsibility for obtaining any required visa or work permit for this voluntary stewarding position. UK Borders Control are regular visitors to the Festival, and have the right to check that any member of staff has the correct supporting documentation. Please also note that the Festival does not support visa applications for volunteers.
Home Office Guidance published here ( on page 28 specifically states that visitors coming to the UK for tourism may undertake volunteering provided it is for a charity that is registered with either the Charity Commission for England and Wales; the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland; or the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator but must not be undertaking work ancillary to the organisation’s charitable purpose, for example fundraising (which precludes working as a volunteer steward for Glastonbury Festival).
10 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to complete the Glastonbury Festival Basic Steward Training Course (henceforth referred to as “Training Course”) within the last five years (non-festival years are included in this five-year period) which consists of 2 elements:
A live online 2 hour Zoom session that covers the principles of stewarding and what is expected of you
Evaluation (EVAL); this is a short confirmation questionnaire which you complete after the online training.
All stewards are expected to familiarise themselves with the content of the “Knowledge” section of the website each year; and refer to the Security and Stewarding Handbook for summary information.
There are also several optional training modules and videos that are available on the GFEL Steward website
In addition, stewards must also complete the ACT (Action Counters Terrorism) Training provided by Highfield e-learning in advance of the introduction of Martyn's Law. Details of the “valid from” date for certificates is provided on the GFEL Steward website.
Please note that the Steward Mini Conference (for Team Leaders and other Key Personnel) does not count as Basic Training.
11 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to set an example to the public and take a lead on the stewardship of the farm. Leave your camping area spotless, don't use single-use plastic bottles, don’t pee on the land, don’t pollute in other ways, and challenge others (in a polite way of course) who break these rules.
We expect you as stewards to play your part in keeping your carbon footprint to a minimum, so please consider how you travel, and what you bring. Try to minimise the amount of non-recyclable waste you generate.
More information is contained in the Knowledge pages.
Site Safety Rules and Emergency Contacts
12 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to be familiar with the Site Safety Rules and have access to the emergency contact sheet before starting work on site.
The rules and contact details are updated pre-event each year and will be available to download from the Resources page of this website. A copy will also be on display in each of the steward cabins/muster points.
The site safety rules are particularly important if you are arriving on site before the festival opens. You will be expected to complete a brief induction training online - the link will be made available on the training page and advertised in Latest News in the steward home page as soon as the festival release it.
Please note: Very few stewards will drive on site in an official work capacity. The Steward Coordinator will deal directly with such drivers to obtain driving licences and get appropriate authorisation from the Site Office.
If you are driving your own vehicle on site (e.g. you have been provided with a short stay pass) then you need to be covered under your own policy.
Allocated Shifts
13 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to complete their allocated shifts, as set out by their team leader. Any flexibility on shifts will be at the discretion of the team leader, who is responsible for ensuring the required stewarding needs for their allocated area of responsibility are met.
You must be fit to work your shifts, which means arriving on shift well nourished and hydrated; and remaining sober throughout (free from alcohol and drugs). You cannot smoke or vape on shift (unless you are on a short break); and team leaders will do their best to arrange a short break (10 minutes) for everyone during the shift - but the times will vary depending on the needs of the festival area. It is ok to drink non-alcoholic drinks, and eat snacks, whilst working - but this must not prevent you from doing your stewarding task at the same time. You cannot look after a child or adult whilst you are on duty.
14 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to agree that in the event of a Festival incident, and as determined by the Steward Coordinator or by Event Control, you may be relocated from your scheduled position and role to another. All roles will be within the context of stewarding, as specified in the training course.
If you are requested to assist in an incident, e.g. providing a cordon for a crime scene or suchlike, we ask you (as hi-vis tabard wearers) not to make any unofficial statements regarding the incident. If the incident is significant, then an official statement will be made by the festival on the website, through social media, and through our internal communications routes. Information provided to the public in these situations can result in fast changes in crowd movement and behaviour, which may make things worse. You can always say “I haven’t been informed…”
Unauthorised Absence
15 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to note that unauthorised non-attendance at shifts may result in eviction from the site and a subsequent future restriction on working at the Festival and associated events. In addition, any unauthorised absence may result in that organisation losing the donation for that shift, and you being charged for the cost of your ticket.
Passes, Site Plans and other Internal Documentation
16 All GFEL stewards working on site are required to ensure their tickets, passes, wristbands, laminates and any other security documentation remain secured at all times, and any losses are reported immediately to the Steward Coordination Team due to the potential security risk caused by such loss.
Tickets, passes, wristbands and laminates must therefore be secured at all times and never lent, borrowed, sold or swapped. Despite their potential value, passes are not currency and must never be used as such. All passes are uniquely identified and can be easily traced back to their original recipient. Any such breach may lead to you and your charity group being excluded from future stewarding opportunities.
Ideally, stewards will collect their tickets and vehicle passes from their team leader prior to the festival; and wristbands and laminates will be issued onsite when you arrive. If you cannot collect your tickets and vehicle passes from your team leader, please make alternative arrangements. Any costs associated with these alternative arrangements (such as postage or mileage) that are not funded elsewhere (for example, through the charity your team is supporting) are the responsibility of you (the steward). Please discuss these costs with your team leader, who will advise you of your options.
Staff tickets, passes, wristbands, laminates etc. are also sensitive and protected items and images of these must not be uploaded to social media. The same applies to other festival related information, such as spot plans, site plans, passes summary sheets etc. This includes anything that is downloaded from the Resources page of this website or received by other means. In the wrong hands, such information is potentially damaging from a safety, security and commercial perspective.
Radios, Tabards and other Essential Resources
17 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to ensure their radios, tabards and other essential resources remain secured at all times, and any losses are reported immediately to the Steward Coordination Team via your team leader
These are expensive and safety critical resources and loss or theft of such items is a considerable security risk. Depending on the circumstances, the cost of such lost items may be recovered out of your charity organisation’s donation.
Staff Campsites
18 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to camp in their allocated specific staff campsite. Staff camping in public campsites is a licence breach and you cannot camp in the public campsites unless you are part of the campsite steward team for that field.
Positive Promotion of the Festival and Stewarding
You are volunteering on behalf of the Festival, who support you in your role and your fundraising. As a representative and ambassador of the event, your behaviour and relationship to the public is critical. You are expected to be positive about the event and your role, and to be a friendly face to the public and any other festival staff. So please be professional, friendly, fair and firm in your work.
Constructive criticism is welcomed however, and we have formal internal mechanisms in place for such feedback to promote continuous improvement. The press and social media are not the place for complaints. Comments on social media from those “in the know” have a tendency to go viral, and may be unjust, poorly considered, unreasonable and lead to additional work for our busy senior management staff.
Social Media Policy for Volunteers.
19 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to follow these simple guidelines, which apply to all staff and volunteers:
Be aware when posting on the internet that you may be identifiable as working for the Festival.
Do not post, retweet or share anything which could cause reputational damage to the Festival or anything ‘behind the scenes’ which could jeopardise the Festival’s license or ruin the surprise for Festival-goers.
If you are in a backstage area, with visibility of the stage, do not take photographs/videos of the performer(s). They often have strict media control clauses in their contracts which we need to respect
Especially during the build/break, be mindful of who can see your posts. If your profile is public be aware that anything you post could be picked up by the media or the council and potentially harm the Festival.
If you reference the Festival on your personal social media accounts, make it clear that you are publishing personally. You are not a spokesperson for the Festival.
Do not post anything that could be construed as a brand endorsement, linking the Festival with third party brands, e.g. by tagging or hash tagging.
Act responsibly with the information you are entrusted with (including physical site build, artwork, etc). The Festival’s intellectual property is commercially sensitive and should not be shared. Do not share copyrighted material.
Be respectful. Offensive or discriminatory conduct is not tolerated by the Festival.
Use your common sense. If in doubt, always err on the side of caution. If you’re not sure whether something is appropriate to share electronically, check with your team leader, or refrain from posting.
Do not use Festival email addresses for non-Festival communications.
Job titles / roles should only be posted in context (e.g. on Linked-in) and should stick to the wording defined in your work agreement. If you are posting about your work for the Festival on Linked-in, ensure you link to the correct company (Glastonbury Festival Events Limited) and not Glastonbury Festivals Ltd. If your work is on a freelance basis, you must make clear that you are not an employee of the Festival.
The simplest way to share authorised Festival news with your network is to repost items posted by the Festival’s official social media accounts.
Finally, please put phones away whilst working unless they are being used for operational purposes. Do not post on any forums posts or pictures whilst working – it is unprofessional to do so.
Personal Information, Data Security and Privacy Policy
20 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to agree to the terms and conditions set out in the GFEL Privacy Policy and the GFEL Stewards Privacy Policy. By agreeing to this Terms, Conditions and Contractual Obligations document, GFELStewards have signed a Data Protection Agreement with GFEL to comply with GFEL’s Privacy Policy and work with GFEL’s Data Protection Officer.
GFEL’s Privacy Policy can be viewed here
GFELStewards Privacy Policy can be viewed here
This policy also covers the fact that your image may be recorded on CCTV; you may be filmed, photographed and recorded by media outlets; and footage may be archived in the public interest for future use.
Festival terms and conditions and prohibited items
21 – All GFEL stewards working on site are required to comply with the Festival’s rules. This includes not bringing in any prohibited items such as knives, sound systems or generators. A list of prohibited items can be found here:
A full list of the Glastonbury Festival 2025 Terms and Conditions of Entry can be found here:
You are covered on site by Glastonbury Festival Events Ltd Employers Liability insurance, which provides cover to any staff, labour only crew or volunteers employed directly by the Festival, or anyone working under the festival’s direct supervision or instruction.
It is important that you follow the instruction or direction of the festival and adopt all site rules or work practices set by the Festival, as laid out in this document, the site safety rules, and the steward training course. If in doubt, contact your team leader or the steward coordination team BEFORE you start working.
Do we provide health cover? No. Although clearly you have access to the Festival Medical team and facilities.
Is your van or car insured by the Festival? No. It is up to you to provide insurance for your vehicle.
What about your property? The Festival cannot be responsible for any loss, theft or damage of individual’s tools, work plant or equipment/clothing or other items of personal property
If you step outside your remit and are injured or cause injury (e.g. if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol and suffer an accident or injury whilst on duty, or act as if you were SIA registered, manhandling etc.), then any related claim may be contested, so please, work within your prescribed duties.
22 - All GFEL stewards working on site are required to comply with legislation as it applies in England. In addition, all GFEL stewards are required to follow any additional guidance and advice set out by the festival organisers
In accepting the volunteer steward position, you agree to all the requirements set out above.
Failure to adhere to the terms of reference included in this document may lead to you being asked to leave the festival site and your invitation to volunteer with the Festival in the future withdrawn.
A Message from the Steward Coordination Team
Every steward plays a key role in enabling this wonderful and unique event to take place.
Year on year our knowledge, experience and understanding of the festival, the culture and the diverse variety of festival goers provides a much valued and fundamental service to the event and the public; we play a key role in the on-going success of the Festival, and long may it continue.
Just remember, any point of contact between a steward and the public may be that festival-goer’s only point of contact with a steward. Let’s continue to make every such moment special.
With kindness and pride,
Bev, Martin A, Jim, Jon, Rachael, Greg, Dave S, John, Jaye, Mia, Adrian, Evie, Claire, Katie and all of your GFEL Steward Coordination Team x
Document authored and maintained by Bev Osborne, Volunteer Steward Coordinator, Glastonbury Festival Events Ltd